JavaScript Resources

What Can JavaScript Do?

You can use JavaScript to:

Respond to user actions
    JavaScript can make things happen when the user clicks on a button or hyperlink, or places the mouse over a hyperlinked item. This can make your pages more helpful to the user. Here are some examples:

    Status bar messages

Manipulate elements of the page

    JavaScript provides a way to manipulate content on the page, e.g. change: images (without a rollover), backgrounds, and the location of images, text and text attributes (using DHTML). Unfortunately, not all parts of web page that you would like to access are available yet. As web browsers advance, more features will be. Here are some examples:

    Change background color
    Cycling images and hyperlinks
    Randomly moving images (Netscape Only)
    Scrolling text

Control aspects of the web browser

Interact with Forms

Perform calculations

    JavaScript is a programming language. Many of the calculating features of traditional programming languages are available to you. Here is an example:

    RGB to Hex converter

JavaScript is, of course, not limited to the categories that I have provided, but I hope that this give you a better sense of some of the things that JavaScript can do. Unfortunately, we are not going to learn how to do all of these examples, but by the end of this course you will have the framework to tackle these problems. (Remember: you can also examine the source code for these examples at any time.)